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Mar 31, 2022

In this episode I talk about how in recovery we are choosing pain on purpose. I also share some details about the Rise to Recovery Summit coming up the week of April 4th.

Two ways you can check out the summit

1. Check out the speakers and get your VIP forever all access pass here

Mar 26, 2022

In this episode I'm joined by my friend Christina from the Broke Girl Society Podcast and our sister in recovery, Lindsey, who is early on in her recovery from compuslive gambling. 

If you're a woman in looking for or in recovery from compulsive gambling, be sure to check out the Broke Girl Society...

Mar 16, 2022

In this episode I talk about giving yourself what you need, mud on my tires, and the connection between our own feelings and those we imagine others have. I invite you to challenge yourself this week to explore your thinking for thoughts about other people's imagined emotions and how they may be connected to your...

Mar 9, 2022

In this episode I share some observations about the women who've come before us in the world asking for what they want. These women made so much possible for us by asking and continuing to ask. I invite you to challenge yourself this week to ask what for what you want and ask for what you need.  

Reach out...

Mar 2, 2022

In this episode, I'm talking about my own way of practicing step 11 in 12 step recovery. I also touch on the importance of defining YOUR version of a higher power. I explain how I see the difference for me between meditation and prayer and give a couple everyday examples of how I see my higher power at work in my life...