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May 26, 2022

In this episode I talk about the noise our minds create when we are sitting in between what we want to have in our lives and the lives we have today. I walk through the SEARCH awareness model I teach for guiding thougtwork in coaching with an example of an experience I had recently watching someone shift...

May 20, 2022

In this weeks episode I talk a little bit more about thoughtwork, mindset, manifestation and yes...dumpster diving. 

I encourage you to look at all of the thinking going on in your mind and looking for what needs to go out with the trash vs the hidden treasures you might be ignoring.

If you'd like to learn more about...

May 12, 2022

In this episode I talk about the importance of allowing our emotional pain as part of our recovery. I also share a little bit of a personal experience about dealing with painful memories and share a method that helps me find a way to see some of my most painful experiences in a new way. 

Got an idea for a podcast...

May 6, 2022

In this episode, I'm talking about my own way of practicing step 12 in 12 step recovery. I also touch on the importance of defining YOUR version of a higher power.  

Got an idea for a podcast episode, interested in being a guest or would you like to be a guest. Reach out anytime!  

You can get in touch on social here: 

May 1, 2022

Christina and I get together to work the steps of 12 step recovery. 

Christina's working on her gambling recovery and I'm working on my codependency. This time we are talking about step 7:  Humbly asked God of our understanding to remove our shortcomings.

If you are struggling to begin recovery and need some support...